
 I provide psychic readings and healing sessions in the comfort of my studio.

The physic readings aim to provide insight into all areas of life, love, relationships, health, career, soul path, and destiny. By acting as an intermediary between your spirit guides guardian angels and my own guides, I am able to pass on spiritual information about your higher self.
Healing sessions help open and heal the seven main chakras using a number of different modalities.


Inner Peace To Your Body And Mind

From a young age of nine, I experienced several events that while I didn’t quite understand what they were at the time, opened my eyes to wanting to explore a world very different to a world we experience with our five senses. Advised at the time by my parents and others, it would not be in my best interests to explore such experiences, I turned away from learning more about what I would later discover to be the spiritual world.

Having then unexpectedly experienced a truly, beautiful and wonderful vision on 18th September 1976 at the age of 18 (yes, I remember the date well and can still vividly recall the vision), I started to once again explore the spiritual world in ways, that would lead me to discovering many years later, a world that is available to each and every one of us, if we would only open up our eyes and minds to it.

Over the years following the vision, I had several other experiences that gave me a greater appreciation of what may be possible, and after having raised three wonderful children with my beautiful caring wife, I decided to learn as much as I could about the spiritual world and what we call “psychic abilities”. Exploring and learning in earnest enabled me to acquire a level of knowledge and a range of skills that allow me to help people improve their life by passing on messages from spirit thereby helping people make informed decisions about their life.

Whether it is a psychic reading, a health scan, or a healing session, or a combination of, I willingly and freely share my learnings that I truly hope will help the health and wellness of my clients,and inspire the person to also learn as much as they can about the fascinating and truly wonderful and loving world of spirit.


With regards to the healing and wellness services I offer, I help to balance a person’s seven main chakras using a number of different modalities, including various mediations, electromagnetic frequency readings using (the IES Aura Cloud machine), sound therapy, crystal therapy, and psychic readings, among others.

Sometimes psychic readings and healing sessions are combined, and sometimes they are conducted separately, as it depends on what each individual would like to know and work on. 

If you have the desire to learn more about the spiritual world and your role in it, please feel free to reach out, it would be wonderful to have a chat.

Bookings are available: weekdays and weekends.


Move Forward in A Positive Way

Confident of the help I can provide to people of all ages and genders, you are welcome to provide me with feedback about the accuracy of the reading and the healing sessions.

The healing sessions aim to balance the flow of energy throughout the body, by removing blockages, reinvigorating stagnant energy, and furthering one’s understanding of how our thoughts and emotions affect our flow of energy and our physical health.

Whether it is a psychic reading, a health scan, a healing session, or a combination of all three, I freely share my learnings that I truly hope will help the health and wellness of my clients and inspire you to learn as much as you can about the fascinating wonderful and loving world of spirit.

Having completed formal practitioner studies in vibrational medicine and practiced energy healing modalities, I continue to complete relevant hands on course (eg Sacred Geometry courses with the Vesica Institute) to ensure a range of effective, helpful and safe healing modalities can be provided to each and everyone of my valued clients.